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Nurturing Success: The Art of Relationship Building in Consulting

July 1, 2024 Emilie Mesnier, MS and Heidi Wilson, MBA


In the dynamic landscape of consulting, where collaboration is paramount, the ability to build strong and lasting relationships is not just a skill – it is imperative. BSM Partners recognizes that the foundation of success is deeply rooted in the cultivation of relationships with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders. In this joint endeavor, BSM Partners aims to shed light on the pivotal role of relationship-building in consultancy and share insights derived from our collective experiences.

Within the consulting world, the significance of relationship building cannot be overstated. When embarking on a new project, fostering rapport with clients becomes the foundational step toward creating an environment conducive to collaboration, innovation, and trust. Clients do not merely seek a service; they seek a partnership. The trust and confidence cultivated during relationship-building lay the foundation for effective communication, a deeper understanding of client needs, and ultimately, project success.

Additionally, fostering strong relationships is equally as pivotal. Collaborative endeavors frequently involve diverse skill sets and perspectives. A unified and communicative team, built by trust and mutual respect, amplifies problem-solving capabilities, innovation, and overall efficiency. Moreover, when team members feel valued and supported, it creates a positive work culture that contributes to job satisfaction and innovation, and consequently, yields better outcomes for our clients. Within our firm, the cumulative expertise exceeds 150 years, exemplifying our commitment to excellence.

Eric Rittenhouse, Brent Kirn, Emilie Mesnier, Nate Thomas, Amanda Thomas at Interzoo 2024


Heidi Wilson and Emilie Mesnier at SuperZoo 2023, making it a habit to set time aside to grow their personal and professional relationships.

Here are some key practices BSM Partners diligently adhere to:

Active Listening

In the book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, Dale Carnegie emphasizes the value of listening deeply to others, encouraging them to share their thoughts and experiences.1 By engaging with clients, they are encouraged to share their insights and concerns thereby, gaining valuable perspectives that share the trajectory of the projects.

Transparency and Authenticity

The subject of transparency and vulnerability has been covered in countless articles and books, and Brene Brown’s chapter in “Daring Greatly” about debunking vulnerability myths made a lasting impact on us. Espousing openness builds trust and credibility with clients.2

Understanding the Client's Business

Investing the necessary time and effort to comprehensively understand the nuances of a client’s enterprises, enables BSM Partners to provide solid solutions aligned with their long-term objectives.

Responsive Communication

In Thich Nhat Hanh’s best-seller, “The Art of Communicating”, he provides various examples and anecdotes that highlight the need for attentiveness and responsiveness in our interactions with others.3 Dedication to prompt and attentive communication ensures that clients feel valued and informed, thereby mitigating misunderstandings and instilling confidence.

Collaborative Growth Through Shared Learning

In the world of consulting, collaboration is not just about working together, but growing together. At BSM Partners, we've harnessed the power of shared learning to enhance our collaborative efforts. Inspired by the principles found in, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey4 and, "Atomic Habits" by James Clear,5 we created an internal book club. This initiative has served as a platform for team members to get to know one another on a deeper level and to speak a common language rooted in personal and professional growth.


Paige Lanier, Simon Thomas, Emily Taylor, and Lee Ann Hagerty at SuperZoo 2023.

As consultants at BSM Partners, our success is linked to the quality of our relationships. Whether engaging with clients or collaborating within our team, we are steadfast in our commitment to nurturing connections that go beyond the transactional. Through prioritizing active listening, transparency, and collaboration, we strive to elevate the consultancy experience for all involved.

In the spirit of continual enhancement, we extend an invitation to engage with BSM Partners and share aspirations and challenges, thereby allowing us to tailor services towards the pinnacle of success.


  1. Carnegie, D. 1936. How to Win Friends and Influence People. Simon & Schuster.
  2. Brown, B. 2012. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. Gotham Books.
  3. Hanh, T. N. 2013. The Art of Communicating. HarperOne.
  4. Covey, S. R. 1989. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Simon & Schuster.
  5. Clear, J. 2018. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. Avery.

About the authors: Emilie Mesnier and Heidi Wilson have been in the pet food industry for 17 and 14 years, respectively. Their years of experience working across all channels of the pet food industry, from ingredient supplier, brand, co-manufacturer, and e-commerce, have provided them with well-rounded exposure and priceless learnings.

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